Humility is this week’s topic for reflection. Leaning further into last weeks topic powerful, I feel the need for humility. It’s like power must function with wisdom. Wisdom must function with compassion. And all of these must function with humility. To be honest, when making choices I often don’t know what’s best. Being humble, if I truly care and can get out of the way enough to see the situation clearly, maybe I can make a choice that can be helpful. At least I can exhale and relax into the moment knowing I don’t know and then just try my best. How do you see humility? Is humility appropriate? Is it helpful? Are there situations where you find humility is not helpful or it’s inappropriate? When is it easy or hard for you to be humble? Is there something that balances humility to help you function fully? How does humility disarm and create openings in yourself and others? What is the relationship between humility and intimacy? Can you really take someone in if you believe you already know? In Zen practice it is important to start where you are. After all we are always starting where we are. It’s okay where we are. It’s okay who we are. How comfortable are you in your own skin? Suzuki Roshi said, “Everyone is whole and complete just as they are. This doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement.” Humility doesn’t mean we should look down on ourself or feel inadequate. For me, humility makes it possible to step into life with the feeling I’m still learning here. As Shakyamuni meditated beneath the bodhi tree, Mara pointed to the place where he sat and demanded, “Who witnesses your right to the seat of enlightenment?” Shakyamuni reached a finger down to touch the ground. “I call on the earth as my witness” he replied. The earth is always humbly below holding us up, supporting us. When we do full bows we kneel down to the floor and place our foreheads on the floor with our hands on the floor next to our ears, palms facing up. In this gesture of humility we are physically opening ourselves up in order to receive what is being offered us. This bow is also an expression of gratitude. This open unpretentious relationship. Humbly not knowing creates the opportunity to be truly powerful.