This weeks’s topic for reflection is discipline and practice. If you have ever learned to play a musical instrument you are familiar with practice. When I was learning to play the violin I started with how to hold the instrument and playing scales. This was basic technique and learning the notes. Every practice started with tuning, then holding the instrument properly and scales. With practice I started playing simple music and then gradually more complex and difficult music. At one lesson my violin teacher asked me how much I had practiced. My lack of practice and insincere effort was obvious to her. Sixty years later I remember this as my most important lesson. Regular, sincere effort and practice, starting with the basics is the way to improve. Over time this can lead to a natural expression with and through the instrument and music.
I heard an interview on the radio by Terry Gross of Yo-Yo Ma. I imagine Yo-Yo Ma has practiced the cello a lot over his life. In the interview he said he never tries to play a piece of music perfectly. He said he just tries to play it the very best he can at that time. He was always satisfied if he had done the best he could at that time. It’s as though he looses himself in the music, looses his self-consciousness as he plays the music and the music plays him. You don’t need to know anything about music to appreciate and enjoy listening to Yo-Yo Ma. Yo-Yo Ma is a wonderful example of the rewards possible with discipline and practice.
Is there something you practice regularly and often with discipline and sincerity? It could be anything that’s deep enough to loose yourself in. If so please add a comment to this blog and share your experience. If you don’t have a practice, what are you naturally interested in or drawn to? I’ve always been drawn to the forms of Zen “practice.”
Sincere, disciplined practice gives way to or leads to effortless, authentic expression. It’s usually difficult in the beginning and often for quite a while, but it’s worth it. This leads to a more joyful, fulfilling, interesting life.
Please join us on Zoom for morning zazen from 7:00 to 7:30 Tuesday and Thursday, in person Zen meditation in Eugene Saturday morning at the McNail-Riley house from 8:30 to 11:00 and Sunday morning Zoom zazen and discussion from 8:00 to 9:00 Pacific Time. Here’s the Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 811 6100 3357
Passcode: 278259
Thank you Kent for your practice of Now walking with Cinder in the woods expressed through a poem. It seems you have been doing this practice for quite a while and so has Cinder. Cinder leads the way down the path of Now as we walk. A continuous flow of discovery and interest.
We went camping this last week. Cinder, our dog and camped everyday as Vicki left went to a jam workshop. Our days were 4 or 5 one mile walks in the woods and me writing stories for our granddaughter. I also wrote this poem that came to me through our walks.
Now as we walk
I see the trail through the woods
Cinder smells the trail and the woods
Now as we walk
I see black tree trunks
I see charred leaves and pine cones under foot
I see green leaves above
Now as we walk
I hear dry leaves under foot
I see brown leaves on the ground
I see green leaves above
Now as we walk
Cinder smells…