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This weeks’ topic for reflection is anxiety. The dictionary in my computer defines anxiety as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” I’m sure we can all relate to this feeling. There is a lot of anxiety these days and with an uncertain future anxiety is likely to increase. This feeling of “worry, nervousness, or unease” or even fear is often acted out with anger and the desire to control or dominate. There is confusion and a feeling of helplessness that the situation is out of control. The problem is life itself is “an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” Control and domination are possible temporarily but at what cost?

Fear and anxiety have a necessary biological function but sometimes the resulting anger and need to control can get out of hand. Zen practice is the opposite of domination and control. It’s seeing the particulars in light of the big picture. And it all starts right here with me.

Look at your own anxiety. What are the thought patterns about? How does it show up In your body? How do you act it out? As much as possible do this investigation without judgement. The next step is to own it. You are the one feeling, thinking and acting this way. It’s okay. Are you holding onto or resisting anything either emotionally, physically or intellectually? Anxiety is another form of holding tight. Seeing your own anxiety is an important first step.

Next choose to relax, return to the moment and breathe. You can do this for five seconds or ten minutes. This is the antidote to anxiety. It’s not about control and it doesn’t change the situation. It’s being open to and present in “an imminent event our something with an uncertain outcome.” It’s also feeling I can deal with this or this is workable.

This practice is to be open to and clearly see the situation at hand and work with it instead of resisting and trying to control motivated by anxiety and fear. This takes practice. Being able to face truth with an open heart/mind is valuable beyond measure.

Please join us for morning Zoom zazen from 7:00 to 7:30 Tuesday and Thursday. Here’s the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 811 6100 3357

Passcode: 278259

I’ll be away this weekend so there will be no meetings Saturday and Sunday. See you next week.



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